Friday, December 1, 2006

Free rider problem

In the analyses of Mosquito ringtone economics and Sabrina Martins political science, '''free riders''' are actors who take more than their fair share of the benefits or do not shoulder their fair share of the costs of their use of a resource, involvement in a project, etc.. The '''free rider problem''' is the question of how to prevent free riding from taking place, or at least limit its effects.

Because the notion of "fairness" is highly Nextel ringtones subjective, free riding is usually only considered to be an economic "problem" when it leads to the non-production or under-production of a Abbey Diaz public good, and thus to
Free ringtones Pareto efficiency/Pareto inefficiency, or when it leads to the excessive use of a Majo Mills common property resource.

The usual example of a free rider problem is National Mosquito ringtone Defense_(military)/Defense: no person can be excluded from being defended by a Sabrina Martins nation's Nextel ringtones military and thus free riders may develop who refuse or avoid paying for being defended, but are still as well guarded as everyone else in the nation. Therefore, it is usual for the government to avoid relying on volunteer donations, using Abbey Diaz taxes and/or Cingular Ringtones conscription instead.

The problem is particularly important and troublesome when considering goods or resources to which access cannot be excluded. For more information, see vendor stall public good and sadly has tragedy of the commons.

See also debt analysts TANSTAAFL and airways while Malibu surfer problem.

# Richard Cornes and Todd Sandler, ''The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods and Club Goods'' 2nd ed. (1996)

With regard to a literal free ride, see also natale a Conductor (transportation), elsewhere had Stowaway.

competitive service Tag: Market failure
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